Harborne Chiropractic Clinic takes great pleasure in being able to offer local companies our expertise with a corporate employee health screening day.
UK Athletics
England Athletics
Protein Binding Site
Birmingham City Council and many more.
The employee health screening day is a community outreach programme that is totally free to your company. We strive to help local people and local business employees lead healthier lives and be a resource to them. Did you know that health and safety statistics report 5 million days a year are lost due to work related back pain in the UK, each employee taking an average of 19 days off work annually. The estimated cost to UK employers is in excess of £5 billion. The Manga Report found that injured workers with low back pain that were treated by chiropractors returned to work much sooner than those treated by other physicians.
As chiropractors we are experts at analysing posture and searching for the problems that exist underneath poor posture. Posture is the window to the spine and poor posture can indicate there is a problem with a person’s spine and nervous system. We are offering to come to your company and provide employees with:
A posture screening – We observe the posture standing, with the assessed person clothed and give feedback to help prevent or reduce those annoying aches and pains that so often occur as the day goes on.
Blood pressure check – Everybody should have their blood pressure checked regularly as part of healthy living.
Massage –A pampering neck and shoulder massage
We would suggest assessing 6 people per hour. Each person will be with us for about 20 minutes in total.
The benefits of these days are tremendous, and I am sure that both company and employees will find it of great benefit. Furthermore to offering the employee health day we also offer a 20% corporate rate for those companies interested, should their employees wish to come to our clinic for treatment. We would love to be of service to your company, if this is something that you may be interested please contact us on 0121 448 6990 or email info@harbornechiropractic.co.uk and we will get back to you with more information.
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