Headaches And Migraines

Headaches are so common that people forget that having headaches is not actually normal. Chiropractic treatment for migraines and headaches has been proven safe with far less side effects when compared with common painkillers.
The most common causes of headaches are problems in the joints of the neck, emotional stress, physical trauma, nutritional imbalances and dehydration. For this reason we will take a detailed history, including questions about your posture and lifestyle, followed by a thorough examination. Unlike pain killing drugs the chiropractors at Harborne Chiropractic Clinic treat the cause of the symptoms, with specific adjustments to loosen stiff joints and restore normal movement to decrease pain. In many cases small changes to your lifestyle can make major changes to your quality of life.
Some patients enjoy almost immediate relief, whilst others notice a gradual reduction of their symptoms over a period of weeks, depending on the nature and chronicity of the problem. Chiropractors treat many causes of headaches, are you suffering more then you need too?