
Pilates is a form of exercise that aims to improve posture, balance and flexibility. It focuses whole body strengthening with an emphasis on core strength.

A brief history about Pilates

This form of exercise was developed by Joseph Pilates, who immigrated from Germany New York where first opened his studio with his wife and applied his method on ballet dancers and bodybuilders.

He developed his technique first under the name of “Contrology”, which considered modern life style, poor posture and inefficient breathing patters were factors that impaired people’s health. His program aimed to develop the complete co-ordination of mind, body and spirit, to promote suppleness, muscular power, endurance and good posture. His methods have over time developed into the Pilates techniques that are so widely taught today.

Who can participate?

Anybody can participate in Pilates Classes. At Harborne Chiropractic Clinic client screening is very important to ensure participants get the most out of their sessions in a safe manor. For this reason a medical history and assessment will be conducted before undertaking sessions.

What to expect at the fist session?

Before beginning a Pliates session, the teacher will assess you and establish the goals you would like to achieve. A complex progressive exercise plan can then be designed to suit your needs. Gabby, our specially qualified Pilates Teacher will assist you, help you and correct you during sessions and what you can be doing at home or in the work place to achieve your goals.

Traditional Principles of Pilates are:


During Pilates exercises, participants are told to practice lateral breathing with involves inhaling into the lower back and lateral area of the ribcage.


Pilates exercises require concentration on the movement as all of them have a cognitive element; body position, active and inactive muscles.


Control is important to ensure that the right muscles are used at the right time to create the desired movement.


This is referred to as the power house of the body and is where all movement originates to control and stabilise the other body regions.


Precision is fundamental because Pilates exercises are performed with great attention on detail.


All the Pilates exercises should be performed smoothly and with fluidity and grace.

Benefits of Pilates


Improving posture, balance and proprioception; greater kin-aesthetic awareness


Strengthening core and back muscles, greater core stability


Stronger pelvic floor


Improving breathing pattern, stronger imune system


Improved lymphatic drainage, reduced stress


Improved coordination, increased muscular strength and endurance


Reduced risk of injuries


Increased joint stability and mobility

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