At Harborne Chiropractic Clinic we take pride in ensuring all patients seeking our help experience a warm and friendly atmosphere. Your first visit will take about an hour.
First Visit
This will consist of:
History: One of our chiropractors will begin by asking you questions about your complaint and any other problems that have been concerning you. We will also cover a detailed past medical history, which will enable us to obtain an overview of your health and wellbeing.
Exam: Following the history we will carry out a thorough orthopeadic and neurological examination, to find the root cause of your problem. These results combined with your history will allow us to formulate a diagnosis.
Report Of Findings: During your Report of Findings we will provide you with a diagnosis and discuss your bespoke management plan. This will include recommendations designed to address your complaint and ways to help you achieve and maintain your health. If after the history and examination your chiropractor feels the problem is unsuitable for chiropractic treatment we will endeavor to refer you to the appropriate specialists. In your report of findings we will discuss:
What we found during your examination using models and diagrams
Our recommended care plan and reasons for these recommendations
If necessary, the need for any further investigations
The options and choices you have
We will provide you with advice on self help
Everything covered will also be provided in your very own new patient pack. During the report of findings you can ask as many questions as you need to, at Harborne Chiropractic Clinic we feel it is very important that you understand everything that we have discussed.
Treatment: Once you are happy with everything we have discussed you are ready for your first chiropractic treatment.

Subsequent Visits
Chiropractic care often involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before.
The team at Harborne Chiropractic Clinic will use their experience and expertise to make certain treatments are tailored to your needs to ensure you get the best results, using a number of highly effective approaches:
- Diversified technique – A specific adjustment is delivered to the problem joints of the spine to improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The energy delivered during the thrust may produce a slight “popping” sound from the shifting of gas and fluids in the joint.
- Myofascial Dry Needling
- Soft Tissue Work, Active release technique and Graston
- Kinesio Taping
- Ergonomic and Postural advice
- Rehabilitative Exercises
- Sports Massage