William Lawton BSC (Hons)


Since the first time that I treated someone, I have been able to see first-hand the benefits sports massage can provide. At Harborne Chiropractic your goals drive our massage therapy treatments. If you’re dealing with an injury, heavy training period or just simply experiencing back pain from long periods of sitting in front of a computer at work, we can help.

Having qualified with a BSC (Hons) Sport and Exercise therapy in 2014 my skills are not limited to just  sport massage, I have a high level of understanding in anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, sports nutrition, advanced manual therapy skills, gait analysis and rehabilitation from injury. I also hold a Level 2 gym instructor qualification. Part of my role at the clinic is to provide rehabilitation.

My interest in Sport therapy came from a young age as my injury prone nature had me seeing therapists regularly. Most of my physical activity is based around my passion for rugby which I play for my local club on a Saturday afternoon. As well as this I enjoy cricket, football and golf.

As well as working in private clinics, I gained experience working for several Rugby clubs providing pitch side injury assessment and treatment.  My interest in sport massage has lead me to volunteer providing Pre – Post event massage and stretching techniques for athletes running the Great North Run.